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Instructional Support Team Child Study Team

Lower Moreland Township School District


Instructional Support Team

(Pine Road Elementary & Murray Avenue School)

Child Study Team

Lower Moreland High School


The Instructional Support Team (IST) / Child Study Team (CST) was developed to assist those students who have been experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties, affecting their ability to learn. It is through this process that specific instructional strategies are developed and implemented in a regular classroom.  The Instructional Support Team quantitatively monitors the students success. 

At each building in Lower Moreland Township School District,

a core team of principals, counselors, reading and math specialists,

school psychologists, Director of Special Education and nurses

meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to discuss individual student needs.


Teachers' role in this process|
The classroom teacher or any other teacher who is part of the student's educational program may refer a student to IST.   The teacher continually monitors students' performance and progress.  If the teacher has concerns, he or she may recommend the student to the IST

Parent role in this process
Parents may also initiate an IST referral by discussing their concerns with their child's classroom teacher.  Parents are vital members of the IST. Attendance at student specific IST meeting(s) is strongly encouraged. As a member of the Team, parents will be asked to provide information about their childs strengths and abilities as well as assist in the implementation of recommended strategies.

Where can I find more information?  

If you would like more information about the IST program, you can contact your building principal, your child's school counselor or the Director of Special Education.