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Gifted Services

Gifted Support Services  

In compliance with state law, services designed to meet the unique needs of gifted students are provided. Students are identified individually based on guidelines and regulations embodied in state law under Chapter 16. Students who possess superior intelligence scores or who meet the multiple eligibility criteria indicating gifted ability by the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team are provided with a program of specially designed instruction to meet the outstanding intellectual and creative abilities of the student. Gifted instructional services for eligible students are delineated on a Gifted Individualized Education Plan and address areas of demonstrated gifted achievement. If your child is thought to qualify for gifted services, you will be notified of screening and evaluation procedures. Requests for screening and evaluation should be made to your building principal.

State Board of Education

22 PA Code Chapter 16

Pennsylvania law defines "gifted" as:

 Outstanding intellectual and creative ability the development of which requires special services and programs not ordinarily in the regular education program.

This term includes a person who has an IQ of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria as set forth in the Department Guidelines indicate gifted ability. Determination of gifted ability will not be based on IQ score alone. A person with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to the gifted programs when other educational criteria in the profile of the person strongly indicate gifted ability. Determination of mentally gifted shall include a full assessment and comprehensive report by a public school psychologist specifying the nature and degree of the ability.

Eligibility Determination

All students with a Full Scale IQ Score of 130 or higher will be considered eligible.

Students with Full Scale IQ Scores of 126 to 129 will be considered eligible when:

 Either the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) or the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) score is 130 or higher, and

 Combined scores on a weighted matrix of multiple criteria: GES-2, individually administered reading and math achievement tests ( WIAT II, KTEA-II), and parent ratings suggest gifted ability

Once a GMDE evaluation is complete, a Gifted Multi-disciplinary Team (GMDT) reviews all materials, which includes parent input, and prepares a Gifted Written Report (GWR) that recommends whether the child is gifted and needs specially designed instruction.

If so, the parent and teacher will be involved in writing a Gifted Individualized Education Program (GIEP).  If a student is determined to not meet the eligibility and need criteria for participation in Gifted Support Services, state regulations permit re-testing once a year.  Procedural Safeguards are also available.

Services and Programs

Among the options for mentally gifted students are enrichment (e.g. gifted students coming together for challenging projects, seminars and discussion requiring higher-order thinking skills), some acceleration (e.g. math or reading courses beyond grade-level), Honors and Advanced Placements courses at the High School with monitoring and regular education consultation by a Gifted Support teacher. We are also beginning special studies opportunities that are supported by technology (e.g. Virtual High School)  

Three specialized teachers (grades K-12) support the teaching staff in providing these challenges and extensions.  

Lower Moreland formed a Gifted Task Force in January 2008 to conduct a comprehensive review of its identification process, programs and service delivery. 

  Some Characteristics of Gifted Learners

Advanced vocabulary for age.
Outstanding memory, large storehouse of information.
Curious, asks endless questions.
Has many interests, hobbies, and collections.
Many have a passionate interest.
Intense, gets totally absorbed.
Motivated if interested, resists other work.
Reluctant to change subjects.
Comfortable with abstract thinking.
Perceives subtle cause and effect relationships.
Prefers complex and challenging tasks.
Can track two or more things at once.
Grasps quickly, then resists doing the work.
Comes up with better way.
Sensitive to beauty, feelings, and emotions.
Advanced sense of justice and fairness.
Aware of global issues.
Sophisticated sense of humor.
Transfers concepts to new situations.
Sees unobvious relationships.
May prefer the company of adults.
May prefer to work alone.
Bossy in group situations.
Needs to constantly share all he knows.    

Some Characteristics of Visual Spatial Giftedness

Comes up with highly creative ideas and/or products
Loves to construct with legos or other objects
Makes up rich stories but may be unable to write them down
Is disorganized
Appears lazy, often daydreaming
May appear bright but have difficulty learning to read
Early ability apparent when doing puzzles and mazes
Highly developed sense of intuition
Excellent mathematical reasoning but may be slow at math facts
Understands complex relations and systems
Unusual imagination

Often musically talented
Sophisticated sense of humor
Strong visual memory
Highly sensitive of their surroundings, may be more distractible
Astute questioning ability
Exceptional ability in geometry and science
Often artistic but may have poor fine motor skills
When spoken to, comprehends everything or nothing

  Many students are bright, quick learners who excel in academics.  Gifted learners are thought to be the top 2% of the national population (98th percentile)  

Some Differences between

Bright Learners and Gifted Learners

Bright Learners Gifted Learners
Knows the answers
Is interested
Is attentive
Has good ideas
Works hard
Answers the questions
Top group
Listens with interest
Learns with ease
6-8 repetitions
Understands ideas
Enjoys peers
Grasps the meaning
Completes assignments
Is receptive
Copies accurately
Enjoys school
Absorbs information
Good memorizer
Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation
Is alert
Is pleased with own learning
Asks the questions
Is highly curious
Is mentally and physically involved
Has wild, silly ideas
Plays around, yet tests well
Discusses in detail, elaborates
Beyond the group
Shows strong feelings and opinions
Already knows
1-2 repetitions for mastery
Constructs abstractions
Prefers adults
Draws inferences
Initiates projects
Is intense
Creates a new design
Enjoys learning
Manipulates information
Good guesser
Thrives on complexity
Is keenly observant
Is highly self-critical