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Student & Family Instructional Resources

Student & Family Instructional Resources

Grammar and Spelling
Grammarly  Spelling and grammar checker for writing on the web
NoRedInk  Instruction path for spelling, grammar and conventions
EasyBib  Free bibliography tool
SpellingCity  Online game practice for spelling and vocabulary words

Rewordify  Simplifies online text for easy readability
Flocabulary  Explains concepts with educational hip-hop
BrainPOP  Activate background knowledge or learn new concepts through animated video
Newsela  Nonfiction articles on a variety of topices with leveled texts
ESOL Help Picture Dictionary  Basic words defined by images
Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary Online  15 themes, more than 6,000 words

ReadWriteThink  Interactive literacy activities, graphic organizers and more
Mindmup  Free online mind mapping

Word Games
Apples to Apples
Heads Up
Sequence Cards