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Volunteering for LM Schools

Volunteer Guidelines

helping hands

Volunteers play a vital role in supporting the staff, students, and programs of our schools in the Lower Moreland Township School District. We are very thankful that you have expressed an interest in volunteering for our district.

On December 31, 2014, changes to the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) became effective. The changes impact the requirements for individuals serving as school volunteers. A Lower Moreland School District Volunteer is defined as an individual who provides a service to students, staff or school/district operations without compensation.

Whether you are interested in volunteering at a single event or over a period of time, all volunteers are now required to submit background clearances. This includes, but is not limited to, serving as a CAPS sponsor, chaperoning field trips, assisting at classroom or school events, shelving books in the library, etc.

For new volunteers, all three of the following requirements must be met prior to beginning service as a volunteer.  Links to the agency websites to obtain clearances are embedded below.

In selecting the Service code for the FBI fingerprint check (first prompt), volunteers should use 1KG6ZJ.
*Please note this is a new service code. Volunteer clearances now go through the DHS. Volunteers will need to provide a copy of their results instead of providing us with a UEID code as they had in the past.

There is no fee for the PA Criminal History or the PA Child Abuse Clearance.  There is a $24.20 fee for the FBI fingerprints.  Clearances are good for 5 years.

In addition, for those volunteering 10 hours or more per week (does not apply to CAPS sponsors) or chaperoning an overnight trip a Tuberculosis Test Form must be completed by a physician. 

This TB form can be completed by your personal physician or at a clinic.  Once a PPD (TB skin test) is initially administered, you must return in 48-72 hours to have the skin test read to determine the results of the test. 

Please submit the required documents in one packet to the address as listed below.

Office of Human Resources
Lower Moreland Township School District
2551 Murray Avenue
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Once you have been approved as a volunteer, a yellow Volunteer Card will be sent to you in the mail.  Please show this card to obtain admittance to a school.  Then please have the card visible on your person while you are volunteering.  The card will also have the date on it when clearances have to be renewed.  (Renewal is required every five years.)

Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer in the Lower Moreland Township School District. The requirements for volunteer clearances further support LMTSD's commitment to student safety. If you have any questions, please call 215-938-0272.