Prioritized Standards
PDE Prioritized Standards 2020-21
Mathematics Standards
Mathematics: Grade K
Mathematics: Grade 1
Mathematics: Grade 2
Mathematics: Grade 3
Mathematics: Grade 4
Mathematics: Grade 5
Mathematics: Grade 6
Mathematics: Grade 7
Mathematics: Grade 8
Mathematics: Algebra I
English Language Arts Standards
English Language Arts: Grade K
English Language Arts: Grade 1
English Language Arts: Grade 2
English Language Arts: Grade 3
English Language Arts: Grade 4
English Language Arts: Grade 5
English Language Arts: Grade 6
English Language Arts: Grade 7
English Language Arts: Grade 8
English Language Arts: Grade 9-10
English Language Arts: Grade 11-12
Science: Grade K
Science: Grade 1
Science: Grade 2
Science: Grade 3
Science: Grade 4
Science: Grade 5
Chemistry: Grades 9-12
Earth and Space Science: Grades 6-8
Earth and Space Science: Grades 9-12
Life Science: Grade 6-8
Life Science: Grades 9-12
Physical Science: Grades 6-8
Physical Science: Grade 9-12
Technology Education: Grade 4
Technology Education: Grade 7
Technology Education: Grade 10
Technology Education: Grade 12
Other Prioritized Academic Standards
Driver Education
Social Studies: Grades K-2
Social Studies: Grades 3-8
Social Studies: Grades 9-12